For the last two months, I’ve been one of the lucky mentees in the #PitchWars contest. This is the third book I’ve submitted hoping to get in, and the first that made it. It’s been an amazing experience that’s allowed me to find a wonderful new friend in my mentor and a great community of writers in my fellow mentees.
I am so grateful to my mentor, Erin Foster Hartley, who believed in my book and had a vision for how to make it better. She gave me so much of her time and energy, and she continues to support me as I query. Two months after being picked, I still get a little shiver at times realizing that I’m actually a PitchWars Mentee. Thank you, Erin!
In honor of Erin, I’m giving away a $25 Amazon gift card. You can enter by supporting Erin through the rafflecopter below. I also wanted to thank a couple of the many people who help make this contest happen. So I’m giving away a $15 Amazon gift card in honor of Yamile Saied Mendez, who was our mentee liaison, and a $15 card in honor of the amazing Brenda Drake who started this contest and continues to grow it, maintaining and building its stellar reputation, with all the challenges that involves.
So, enter and win!!
Erin’s Rafflecopter ($25 Amazon gift certificate):
Yamile’s Rafflecopter ($15 Amazon gift certificate):
Brenda’s Rafflecopter ($15 Amazon gift certificate):
Want more chances to win? See the full gratitude giveaway list!
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