Social justice: the path to change
What’s the path to change for social justice issues like #blacklivesmatter, #lgbtq, or #rapeculture? This infographic shows how a protest grows into a problem, that leads to real change.
What’s the path to change for social justice issues like #blacklivesmatter, #lgbtq, or #rapeculture? This infographic shows how a protest grows into a problem, that leads to real change.
Let’s turn around the letter that Brock Turner’s dad wrote to the court. Let’s see how Dan Turner’s letter might read if the rape victim’s father wrote almost the same words–but from her perspective. For the purpose of the letter, I’ve used the name “Annie” for the girl Brock victimized.
There’s a bigger lesson to learn from Microsoft’s dancing school girls incident. It’s time to school our men about sexism.