Chills, thrills, and fantasy

Making your villain sympathetic: Writing tips from TV
Learn from the screenwriters of Daredevil how to introduce a sympathetic villain. Your story will be a lot more interesting and appealing to readers if your antagonist is a real person–and maybe even an appealing person.
Fiction writing articles this week: 8-15-15
Top fiction writing articles from the blogosphere from the week ending 8-15-15. Including reading on the phone and writing better dialogue.
Fiction writing articles this week: 8-8-15
Top fiction writing articles from the blogosphere from the week ending 8-8-15. Including your look-inside preview, adding tension to your book, word selection, improving dialogue, and the truth about revise and resubmits.
#PitchWars Mentee Bio
I’ve entered a fiction writing contest called #PitchWars. Here’s a little about me, specifically for any mentors who might be considering me. Please! Pretty please!
Fiction writing articles this week: 8-1-15
Top fiction writing articles from the blogosphere from the week ending 8-1-15. Including writing for your reader and what information e-readers and other technology can provide authors.
Fiction writing articles this week: 7-25-15
Top fiction writing articles from the blogosphere from the week ending 7-25-15. Including what to avoid in your first chapter, the problem with flash forwards, and finding a writing buddy.
Fiction writing articles this week: 7-18-15
Top fiction writing articles from the blogosphere from the week ending 7-18-15. Including learnings from ThrillerFest, creating character arcs, creating believable stories.
Why 90% of agents would have rejected The Martian
Take heart, querying writers. Andy Weir didn’t query The Martian. But if he had, I’m pretty sure most agents would have passed. Here’s why.
Amazon’s KU payout change is just the start
Thoughts on Amazon’s changes to Kindle Unlimited author payments and why they are likely to change the program again.